I provide bodywork that—over time—helps people’s bodies find a new level of regulation. Folks often feel good after one session. However, that one session isn’t what helps them manage the symptoms of anxiety.

It’s the work they do in my office once a week or twice a month.

It’s the daily work of learning triggers, practicing mindful redirection, and, at times, tolerating the intensity until it passes.

It’s working with other professionals to find the right balance of herbs, supplements, and medications. 

It’s learning what food, activities and habits support their ability to manage symptoms.

How long will it take? That length of time is as unique as each of you.

The only thing I know for sure is: There is no one-stop fix-it option

It’s the bodywork.
It’s the mind work.
It’s the herbal/supplemental/medication work.
It’s the daily attention work.

That’s a lot of work!

I know it seems overwhelming.
Maybe you’re saying, “Shit…why do I have to do all this work?”

But it’s the work that pays off.
And it’s the work that gives me hope for myself, and for you, because I’ve seen the work WORK.

Resources on Neuroplasticity

I’ve rounded up some links about neuroplasticity and listed them below.

Here is the evidence that it’s possible to trust that we can change our body/brains for the better.

Article Round-Up: Neuroplasticity
Self-Directed Neuroplasticity
What is neuroplasticity?
How to Retrain Your Brain’s Pain Processing 

Book Round-Up: Neuroplasticity
Rewire, Richard O’Connor
The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg
The Mindbody Prescription, John E. Sarno
The Mind and the Brain, Jeffrey Schwartz

Video Round-Up: Neuroplasticity
The Brain That Changes Itself , 51 minute documentary by Norman Doidge 
Neuroplasticity, 2 minutes long, by Sentis
Brain’s Healing Energies, 28 minutes, The Agenda interview with Norman Doidge

If it’s time to get support for your work towards more ease and clarity, schedule a consult with me and see if we can find a pathway together.

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