Weekly online practice

I’m currently looking to share an ongoing weekly practice to support us through the fall into winter. 

On the linked form below, please share days and times that work for you. 

Or just sign up to be notified when it happens.

craniosacral therapy for well being

The biggest shift for me is that there are pockets of time where I feel deeply embodied and connected in a calm, collected way.”—Beth W., online client

Eve Hermann, LMT, SEP
Craniosacral Therapy
Somatic Experiencing
Transforming Touch

online & in-person

4041 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43214

Using presence, informed light touch and guided awareness, I help you feel well, vibrant and connected. 

The somatic stuff that I’m doing in your classes is really changing and releasing. It feels soothing and comforting and good. These exercises have been a really safe space to let little bits go.”


My body has the tendency to shut down and feel hopeless when I feel something hard or difficult….Sessions with Eve have really helped me open up to the kind of different stories and feelings that support where I wanna go.”


Doing the weekly practice I’m noticing more about my body, being able to see things going on, finding space to notice my feet, to ground.”

Child anxiety support podcast*

Interview with Dawn Friedman about my favorite topic: Presence. 

*Formerly “You Are Not Your Mother”

the radical mother village

This was a lovely discussion with Christa Bevan about trauma, Somatic Experiencing, and raising families while trying to break negative patterns.


Join my Facebook group: a place for regular folks looking to find practical ways to increase their sense of connection to their body, the present moment, and the benefits that arise from that.

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